
时间:2021-07-12 19:46:23 小学英语作文 阅读: 我要投稿




小学生英语作文 篇1


  心里很着急自己不会说,但念又想:我已经是二年级的学生了,要给自己自信才能学好英语。于是,我不再害怕,离开爸爸妈妈,在一旁辅导老师教了几遍关于钦料的英语。不一会儿,我就做为小嘉宾在台上用游戏表演我的所学。一上台,一位辅导老师就用英语不停地唤醒另一位辅导老师,然后就用欢快的英语进入主题,每人想得到自己的饮料,必须说对饮料的单词,而且说完后并用英语说致谢语,再互相对碰一下。我非常想得到一瓶饮料说对了“I like”,一瓶绿茶被我得到了,但最终绿茶没能在我的手中,又被其它小朋友说对了,轮到另外一个小朋友手中。原来这是做为演示用的。连爸爸妈妈也参加了互动,与我们一起比拼谁会说会认,还与我们一起做简单的英语边唱边跳,看着妈妈有点害羞的样子,小小的我给予她鼓励的眼神,终于,妈妈同样也自信起来,而且做得非常不错。


小学生英语作文 篇2

  I’m a middle school student, my name is Wang Gang, on April 30, our classmates labored to the orchard. We set out at six o’clock in the morning, after half an hour, we arrived the destination. The principal of the orchard is my uncle, he guide us visited the orchard. We mentioned to take part in the labor, my uncle asked us to help him to picked off the apples, it was not long before my partner and I got full of two basket of apples, the other students were working hard too, though we were a bit of tired, everybody were very happy.

  On May 5, I wrote to my pen pal a letter, and told her about this labor. I think she must be happy for me.


小学生英语作文 篇3


  My mother took me to take a roller coaster after the holiday.


  The roller coaster in the park is so high and breathtaking. I'm a little scared. My mother encouraged me to be brave. I got on the roller coaster. It was slow at first, then it was faster and faster. When I got to the top, I felt dizzy. I closed my eyes in a hurry, and my teeth were tight. After a while, the car stopped slowly.


  It's great to ride a roller coaster.

小学生英语作文 篇4

  During the long holiday season, there are many happy moments that are worth remembering, and the one that I remember most vividly is the happy Easter.

  Remember that day, the weather was bright and sunny, and the teachers of the icr English learning center organized an outdoor scene English class, themed and content for Easter, in the yellow dragon cave.

  At 9:20 am, we arrived at our destination. When they got out of the car, they saw two red lanterns on each side of the road lined with two red lanterns, and a "green" on them. A little further forward, a stone gate, the door is very high, looked up, the door lintel is engraved with four green big words - yellow dragon tucui, appears particularly eye-catching. There is a constant stream of tourists coming and going, and there is a steady stream of tourists.

  We found a grassy lawn, laid out the prepared clean cloth MATS, and sat down to carry out the first activity -- painted eggs. The teacher gave everyone an egg, and the students couldn't wait to pick up the crayons and draw them. Some of them painted "smiling faces", others painted "chicken eating rice pictures" and others drew a "dinosaur". Then, the foreign teacher told us the origin of "Easter", originally, "Easter" is "the egg festival" ah! After that, there were many interesting games. For example: "egg hunt", "safe escort egg" and so on.

  The Easter egg hunt begins! The students are scrambling to find the right place within the prescribed limits. The students in our class worked together to find many colorful eggs hidden in the grass and in the grass with our eyes. After the game, according to the number of eggs found in each class, our class won the first prize!

  In that event, I not only had a good time, but also learned a lot from it, so I still remember it.

小学生英语作文 篇5

  I had a 15-day English summer camp at the hangzhou international foreign languages school, and today is the Easter day in the United States. Easter is the most important festival in the Christian religion, its importance even more than Christmas, according to the bible, Jesus resurrection of Christ on the cross three days after the death of the victim, thus set up this section.

  For most people today, Easter is just an ordinary day for people to enjoy a good spring. Easter morning, some home used his breakfast of egg placed in a few different colors of plant dyestuff pot, so end up egg is no longer white or light brown, but yellow or pink, blue or green. For children, nothing is more important than an Easter egg or a chocolate egg.

  Unfortunately, our foreign teacher was ill, and there was only another foreign teacher to teach us. I was very happy in his class, and I painted eggs with great interest. The foreigner said he liked one of the eggs I painted, and I jumped three feet high. Listen to their ta: "you can hunt an egg today if it doesn't rain." I was so happy that I thought I'd take the title of "egg hunter".

  But heaven is like the face of sun monkey -- changeable, just a few days before it became a downpour. I thought to myself: alas! It seems that today's egg hunt has gone down the drain. I wasn't listening in the last few lectures. I was thinking about egg hunt. Until the evening to hear the teacher in charge said I just cheer up, because our egg hunting action change was held in the conference hall, our classmates listened to in high spirits, some joy, some high-five, some couldn't help but sing up, I am also very excited, because I think egg hunting the title of hero I make up.

  At 8 p.m., the egg hunt officially began, and we ran in like an arrow from a string. I had just run into it and I heard someone say, "I found it, ha ha, I found it!" I was so impatient that I dared to rob me. Digging through random search, I finally found an egg in the cracks in the chair, so I think on the chair, and found three eggs, "ha ha" I couldn't help but laugh out, my side HuanYu suddenly shouted "I found that I have!" Frighten me a big jump, I think who is there to pretend crazy!

  I got a lot of harvest in the conference hall. I got seven eggs. It was so cool that I got the title of the egg hunter.

  So I spent a happy and unforgettable festival in hangzhou - "Easter".

  There are over a hundred countries in the world, thousands of people, different faiths,

  The east believed in Buddhism and Taoism, and the west believed in Christian Catholicism. The world is big, but it's small. For one or two hundred years, the western powers have been invading the east, what opium war, what Korean war, why can't there be no smoke without war? Just as we all live in peace with the west today? I expect peace, and I expect the world to be the same.
