
时间:2023-05-26 13:42:11 小学英语作文 阅读: 我要投稿


  I have a good friend. Her name is Pencil-box. She is a very beautiful girl.我有一个好朋友。她的名字是文具盒。她是一个很漂亮的小姑娘哦。


  Look! There is a picture on her face. It's a picture of flowers. Her coat is blue and yellow. There are some pencils, a pen, a ruler, a rubber and a tape in her stomach.瞧!她的脸上有一副画。那幅画上有好多美丽的花儿。她穿着蓝黄相间的外套。肚子里有几支铅笔,一支钢笔,一把尺子,一块橡皮和一卷胶带。

  Everyday I go to school with her. When I want to write, I open her mouth and take out the pencils from her stomach. She helps me a lot. And I like her very much.每天我都跟她一起去上学。当我想要写字的时候,我就会打开她的嘴巴,从她的肚子里面拿出铅笔。她帮了我好多。我非常喜欢她。

